Wednesday, January 5, 2011

One-of-a-Kind, Handwoven Bolivian Frasadas

via Andi' art France

Frasadas are traditional,  woolen blankets handwoven by the Aymara women from the Andean region of Bolivia. These thick, vibrantly colored blankets can also be used as rugs, throws, or made into large floor cushions. I first learned about these beautiful blankets a few years ago when I attended the Maison et Objet in Paris. I ended up buying a big pile of vintage, one-of-a-kind pieces for a home furnishings shop in Honolulu. Now you can find them online at Twine, L'Aviva Home, or at the Potted Store.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the link, Vanessa. I too absolutely love Maison et Objet. What an extraordinary collection!

